dijous, 2 d’abril del 2020

Is there a treatment for coronavirus and what are the vulnerable grups?

España inicia ensayos con remdesivir para tratar el Covid-19 ...There is no specific treatment but some antivirals are being used that have shown some effectiveness in recent studies. There are many treatments to control your symptoms. Being an infection caused by viruses, antibiotics shouldn't be used as a means of prevention or treatment.

The main vulnerable groups are those over 60 years of age and those diagnosticated by high blood preasure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung diseases, cancer, immunodeficiencies and pregnancy by the precautionary principle.


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Why is it called coronavirus and how is it transmitted?

ONUSIDA y China trabajan juntos durante el brote de COVID-19 para ...The coronavirus owes its name to its appearance. It is like a crown. It's a type of virus present in humans and animals.

It is transmitted by close contact with respiratory secretions that are generated with cough or sneezing from a sick person. Its contagiousness depends on the amount of the virus in the respiratory tract. These secretions would infect another person if they come into contact with their nose, their eyes or his mouth.

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